Saturday 1 September 2012

Sindhu Marriage Proposal-Story written by Sandeep Kumar

Sindhu was a school teacher .She always had long beautiful hair and was very proud of that .She always maintained her hair very well by taking oil bath etc during weekends ,even her friends and other teachers in school used to compliment her on hair .
She also had an anglo indian  friend who was english teacher in same school called Andrea who always had short boy cut .Many times even andrea would give compliments to Sindhu about her and some times for fun ask sindhu to cut her hair but sindhu always said she liked her hair long and they would joke about it 
However Sindhu was was very lower middle class back ground and only daughter to her parents  so she had to work  to support her family ,Now her mother was not getting good match for her marriage ,they very traditional family so horoscope matching was also required  so many times if horoscope matched then family would deman dowry so sindhu 's family was not able to give it 
One day one proposal from very rich family called Bagre family for sindhu came and lucliky even the horoscope matched  so they fixed one sunday to come to Sindhu's house to see her .

That day Sindhu got up early took bath and sat down and he mother put her long hair into plaits and told her that this very big rich family so you will be lucky to accepted by them 

Then door bell rang  and sindhu was inside only   and that family came and started speaking with sindhu's parents ,then sindhu's mother called her to bring coffee and snacks for guests ,Sindhu was very shy and she came and gave guests snacks and tea and sat down .Slowly she observed that there were total of five members  including groom ,The Groom was handsome  and he had come along with his parents and brother and sister in law ,However she noticed some thing strange in the ladies both mother in law and sister in law were in BOYCUT!! but she was shy and did not ask questions ,Finally father in law asked sindhu if she would be interested in joining their factory and manage the accounts department .Sindhu said whatever your wish i am ready ... Then mother in law said .."ok from our side but one condition since we are factory owners we always need to look different from workers  and also once when i cut my hair short our business improved so its lucky for us even our elder daughter in law also had haircut after marriage so you should also have haircut when you get married .." Hearing this sindhu  was shocked but did not say anything and guests left their house

Sindhu mother was very happy but sindhu was not since she didnt like the condition of hair cut  both had arguements ,mother telling that this is good proposal  but sindhu not agreeing so sindhu' mother asked for some time 

After some days sindhu was walking to school when sudddenly one big car stopped and one lady called her by name .At first she did not  recongnize her but later came to know that she Bagre family daughter in law Anitha who had come to her house the other day .Anitha called her inside car first sindhu refused but later sat inside .She noticed she had a driver as well .Anitha asked sindhu where she going and she replied that going to school Soon she started conversation Anitha told she is very happy with life all comforts she has now she going to shopping in car along with driver .

Then Suddenly anitha asked sindhu hey near the Mall our regular beauty parlour is there i am going there to trim my hair you also can join me i will introduce you to her Sindhu got bit angry and said she was not interested ..Anitha said ok no problem dear and told her that before marriage even she had long hair and was shy about haircut but after marriage now she is happy with all the comforts in her life ,then sindhu started thinking about her own life  but suddenly her school came  and asked anitha to stop ,anitha asked driver to stop and she got down and said bye .When she was about to enter her school her teacher friend Andrea was also there and asked how lucky you are  you came in car today and smiled at her

That night Sindhu kept thinking about what to do and finally in the morning told her mother that she agreed to Bagre family proposal ,Sindhu 's mother was very happy and told her she will look beautiful even in short hair 

Then mother in law told that she must have hair cut before marriage ,Sindhu was bit sad with this since she wanted to be long hair for her marriage but agreed  
Then Anitha came over and took sindhu to beauty parlour  ,there she spoke some thing to beautician and introduced her ,Beautician smiled at her ,Then she made Sindhu sit on chair and covered the mirror and told that she look at herself after her haircut  sindhu was very nervous then beautician made her hair into plait and took scissors suddenly sindhu felt snip snip at her back and after two minutes her long plait was in her hands now she was in bob cut ...sindhu asked its it over beautician and anitha both smiled and said now you are in bob cut style but still need to get boy cut style so now i will wash your hair and then took her to wash basin and washed and shampooed her hair nicely and then starteed cutting layer by layer side to side sindhu was seeing hair falling down then after some time beautician asked sindhu to take her fingers through her hair and feel how short it is sindhu was nervous but agreed then she felt her short hair then she was shown her face in mirror she got not believe her own face she had complety changed she was in boy cut style now anitha told her dont worry dear you will get adjusted to it then they left the beauty parlour and now told that for regular trimming both will come together then they first went to in laws house where mother in law gave approval and even future husband smiled at her then mother in law gave jewels as gift to her sindhu was surprised and happy 

Later on she resigned from teacher job and got married and joined family business office and now she always is in boy cut style and slowly becoming modern she also seeing that its easy to maintain short hair so she is happy

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